Monday, August 11, 2008


I was recntly watching a talk by Rishi Nityapragyaji on Choices.Well, i could apply every aspect of the talk to my life. What i like about Guruji and Rishiji's talks is that they are very practical to the modern day and age..
What rishiji was basically saying was that people generally make choices based on comfort and convienience and therefore have short term happiness and donot lead a high value lifebut he also said that those who make choices based on challenges tend to lead a higher value life in teh long term.heres the link to the talk...
it is a must watch for not only those of art of living but for everybody....


Abhay Karnataki said...

Very nice.
If you wish your readers to see the video on your blog itself, you can embed it using the html syntax provided on youtube page itself, check on the right side of the video, there will be stuff written in the window for Embed:

good to see new background! I would have essentially suggested Bawa's article:

My email id is


Unknown said...

Superb effort to highlight Rishi jis efforts...hope you have adjusted well to sydney. what are you upto these days?

Guruji himself has said this in a knowledge sheet "If you are looking for pleasure, waht are you doing here"

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